We’ll have to get used to: Overwatch received a major balance update


We’ll have to get used to: Overwatch received a major balance update

Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan left Blizzard Entertainment after 19 years, so Overwatch 2 will be released without him. But goodbye, Kaplan has prepared a major update to the balance of heroes.


But the April 22nd patch is not a surprise to Overwatch fans – they could see many of the changes in the test sections, where the current update has been rolled around since last week. However, not all of the proposed balance sheet changes were introduced as they were. But first things first.

Batiste. The healing grenades of the biotic assault rifle now restore 50 health units instead of 60. Still, with a direct hit, 20 health units are additionally restored – you will have to shoot more accurately. Baptiste was too effective in a tight group of allies. Immortal Field no longer allows allies’ health to drop below 10% instead of the previous 20% of their maximum health.

D.Va. An interesting change fivefold increases D.Va’s damage to nearby enemies when summoning a mech – from 50 to 250. Previously, “Diva” was too vulnerable when calling mechs – opponents tried to kill her. Now approaching D.Va, ready to summon a mech, will become dangerous for heroes with low health.

Echo. After the end of the “Duplicate” effect, Echo’s health returns to the same value that it had when the ability was used, but not less than 100 units. Previously, the heroine received full healing at the end of her superpower, which gave her too much of an advantage.

Moira. The cooldown of the “Biotic Orb” has been reduced from 10 to 8 seconds – this should help her adapt to different situations faster: an agile opponent will become a more effective support hero.

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Orisa. Recovery time of the sphere of attraction “Stop!” reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds to make it easier to combine with the actions of other heroes. But the developers will be careful not to make the robot too efficient.

Reinhardt. Knight’s recent changes have made him too dangerous on the battlefield. Now the stock of armor has been reduced from 250 to 200 units, and the total stock of health and armor has been reduced from 550 to 500 units. Rocket Hammer’s damage will remain increased as it compensates for the reduced CC duration from Earthquake.

Roadhog. The damage of the main and alternative modes of fire of the metal thrower has been increased from 6 to 6.6 – the fat man had to be strengthened against the background of changes in other heroes since the end of last year.

Sombra. An invulnerable burglar will speed up in Disguise from 50% to 65%. Those who thought it should be slowed down will be disappointed. By retreating to safety with the Translocator, the deceiver will be able to return to the battlefield quickly.

Overwatch is available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.