What happens if smartphones are used instead of brake pads in the BMW 530Li?


It cranked company Iqoo

To somehow highlight their new smartphone, manufacturers sometimes go for very original experiments. Especially when it comes to the issue of strength. Smartphones are trampled on heels, thrown off the stairs, drowned in boiling water, and so on. But Iqoo has probably come up with the most original way to demonstrate the strength of its product.

BMW 530Li
BMW 530Li

What happens if smartphones are used instead of brake pads in the BMW 530Li?

As a test performed Iqoo 3, and check its strength decided by … BMW 530Li. And no, they didn’t limit themselves to a banal drive on a smartphone here.

Yes, phones were used instead of brake pads. Of course, this did not pass without a trace for the devices, but they remained in working condition. At least if you believe the video.

At the same time, Iqoo 3 is not a protected smartphone and is not positioned by the manufacturer as having a certain increased degree of protection. However, it is unlikely that someone will decide to repeat such an experiment on their own to verify the honesty of the manufacturer.