What makes up the $3,500 price for the iPhone 15 Pro Max in Turkey


Brazil and India occupy the second and third places in the ranking of the highest prices for this model

Turkey has won the title of the country with the highest iPhone prices. In this country, where taxes add more than 100% to the price of the phone, the iPhone 15 Pro Max with 1 TB of flash memory is offered for about $3,500.


iPhone 15 Pro Max

iPhone 15 Pro Max

What makes up the $3,500 price for the iPhone 15 Pro Max in Turkey

Second place is held by Brazil, where the price is $2,900, and the third place is held by India with a price of $2,400. The Telegram channel “Turkey Agenda” explained what taxes are included in the price of this iPhone 15 Pro Max with 1 TB of flash memory:

1% of the price of the phone as a fee for the preservation of cultural heritage: 430 Turkish lira;

12% of the price of the phone as a fee in favor of the state television channel TRT: 5213 Turkish lira;

50% of the phone price as a special consumption tax (OTV): TL 24,328;

20% of the price of the phone as value-added tax (KDV): 15,499 Turkish lira;

10% of the price is the markup of Apple itself in Turkey: 4514 Turkish lira.

It turns out that the markup is about 50,000 Turkish lira, or $1,850.

IPhones imported into Turkey from other countries must be blocked after a certain time. For them to work, you need to pay a fee, which recently skyrocketed to 20,000 liras, or $750.

Sales of new smartphones will begin tomorrow, September 22.