WhatsApp: 5 tips to start a conversation without having to save the number


Apple and Android tools allow the user to use the application without having to save the contact

WhatsApp is the country’s leading text messaging tool. To use it most of the time, it is necessary to have someone’s contact saved on the device. However, for privacy reasons or full memory, not everyone likes to keep saving people’s contact. Thus, we separate a list with 5 tips on how to use the application without saving the contact, according to an article by TechTudo. 


It is possible to generate a link by an API (Application Programming Interface). So, there is no need to save someone’s number to chat with the person. With the link, the user falls into the conversation. To do so, just use the following link: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=seunumerodetelefone&text=sua%20mensagem . So, just replace ‘your phone number’ with the number of the person who will receive the message and ‘your%message’ with the message you want to send. At the end of the procedure, press enter to start the conversation. 

In view of this, check out the tips so you can send messages on WhatsApp without having to save the person’s number.

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