WhatsApp: send messages without appearing online


You can send messages to WhatsApp contacts without showing them that you are online: there is a very simple trick to replicate

WhatsApp is one of the most used applications during this lockdown period. The inability to go out, except for strictly permitted reasons, combined with the need to keep in touch with people, to carry out meetings and remote lessons, have made the messaging app indispensable, even more than it already was. 

This also explains the Facebook strategy, which in the last few weeks has enriched one of its flagship products with new features, such as the possibility of making group video calls with up to 8 participants.

whatsapp disappearing messages
whatsapp disappearing messages

Basically, however, even without the latest updates, the app has many hidden functions that can be very useful in certain situations. For example, many do not know it, but with WhatsApp, it is possible to send messages without the recipient being able to see our online status.

WhatsApp: send messages without appearing online

First of all, we clarify that no third-party apps are needed because as mentioned above it is simply one of the many WhatsApp functions that for many users simply remain “hidden”. Still, privacy and discretion are aspects that most users pay close attention to. 

Specifically, to send a message without letting the recipient know that we are glued to the screen of our smartphone, we need to open the Settings menu of our mobile phone (the procedure is similar for Android and iPhone devices) and activate Airplane mode (if we have it among the shortcut menu options all the better).

Also Read:  WhatsApp will soon cut support for older versions of Android

At this point, we start WhatsApp, open the conversation with a contact, type the message and exit the app. 

We now remove the aeroplane mode in order to allow the app, once connected to the Internet, to send the message without however making the word “online” or “is writing” appear.

Simple and fast, but very effective if you want to send messages without others noticing our online presence, perhaps in times when we are not particularly available.