Windows and Microsoft Office are being replaced.


For 52.5 million rubles

As Vedomosti writes, 1,800 licenses of domestic analogs of the Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of office programs were purchased for deputies and administrative workers of the parliament.

An employee of a large IT company spoke about this and was confirmed by the technical director of the license provider – integrator Step Logic Stanislav Darchinov. In particular, it is mentioned that the role of the operating system was entrusted to Astra Linux, and the place of Microsoft Office was replaced by the MyOffice package. At this stage, we are talking about perpetual licenses with three years for receiving updates. The publication added that the purchase amount was 52.5 million rubles.

Windows and Microsoft
Windows and Microsoft

Windows and Microsoft Office are being replaced.

The information was confirmed on the government procurement portal, as well as in the press service of the State Duma. 1,800 My office licenses cost 23.1 million rubles, and the same number of Astra Linux licenses cost 29.3 million rubles. Only Step Logic’s application was received for the competition.

“The solutions were fully delivered to the customer in September,” said Stanislav Darchinov.

The developers of the MyOffice software package and the Astra Linux operating system declined to comment.

It was previously reported that Microsoft stopped renewing licenses for Russian companies after September 30.

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