Witchfire developers showed three new screenshots and told what they have been doing in recent months


Witchfire developers showed three new screenshots and told what they have been doing in recent months

The head of The Astronauts Adrian Chmielarz on the studio’s official website spoke about the development of the ambitious looter shooter Witchfire in recent months.


First of all, Khmelazh recalled how in December 2020, he promised that the team would deal with the tools for killing enemies, rewards, and items for unlocking over the next quarter, and if everything goes well, they will also take on the bosses.

As it turned out, during the time that has passed since that promise, practically nothing of the listed tasks has been fulfilled. The studio spent most of the reporting period on work “under the hood,” which may not be noticed from the outside.

The team was engaged in restructuring the code for some gameplay mechanics (which benefited her), optimizing the animation system in general, and prioritizing animation for enemies in particular.

Besides, The Astronauts managed (not the first time) to get the Witchfire to build to work outside of the Unreal Engine 4 editor and figure out the lighting system for a “normal” world.

The world of Witchfire exists in two versions: normal and witch, where the player will spend about 90% of the entire passage. Despite this, the first thing the team decided to do was work with “normal” lighting.

Achieving the desired result was more difficult than expected because the team wanted to achieve the effect of color correction without applying it. To do this, The Astronauts had to start all over again.

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However, the authors do not regret the work done: it will facilitate the implementation of such changes (if necessary) in the future and already now provides good views. Screenshots are attached.

Finally, Hmielazh is pleased to announce that the team has returned to filling Witchfire with new features and content in the past two weeks. The developer does not give promises this time, but he hopes that the next update will not keep waiting for three months.

“I can’t wait to show you what the witch’s world looks like, our new elite enemy, how weapons and spells work, or the unique gameplay system that we have,” Hmelyazh teased at the end.

Witchfire was first shown at The Game Awards 2017, while development began back in 2015. So far, the witch-hunt shooter has been confirmed only for PC (Steam) and does not even have an approximate release date.