Resident Evil Village Second Demo Files Uploaded To PSN


Last updated on December 8th, 2022 at 03:15 pm

Resident Evil Village Second Demo Files Uploaded To PSN

The journalists of the MP1st portal drew attention to the uploading of files to the PlayStation Network service for the next demo version of the upcoming horror film Resident Evil Village from Capcom.

Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village

Recall that the Maiden demo released at the end of January is a PlayStation 5 exclusive, while the upcoming trial version should become a multiplatform release.

According to MP1st, confirmed by ORBIS Patches, four new SKUs ( Product Item Identifiers) were recently uploaded to the PlayStation digital store for different regions under Resident Evil Village Gameplay Demo.

Earlier it was said that, unlike Maiden, the multi-platform demo is an excerpt from the final version of Resident Evil Village and offers the opportunity to try out the combat system.

MP1st also reports that, according to information from the PlayStation Network, the size of the new demo will be about 10 GB, and upon launch, the game will show the user the illustration attached above. A Resident Evil Village Gameplay Demo icon and a control map image for playing PS Vita using Remote Play have been uploaded to PlayStation servers.

The release of Resident Evil Village is expected on May 7 this year on PC (Steam), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and S. The second demo of the project will be released before the end of spring – quite possibly as part of the upcoming April release of the Resident Evil Showcase.

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