A drop in the bucket: only 30 thousand people asked for a refund for Cyberpunk 2077


A drop in the bucket: only 30 thousand people asked for a refund for Cyberpunk 2077

As part of a conversation with investors based on yesterday’s financial report, CD Projekt RED disclosed the number of refunds issued by disgruntled Cyberpunk 2077 users.

Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

Recall that at the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, it suffered from many technical problems (especially in the case of the previous generation consoles ), in connection with which the developers announced their readiness to return money for the game to all its buyers.

To help unhappy consumers with Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt RED has launched the Help Me Refund program. As it turned out, about 30 thousand people used its services.

It is worth noting that in this case, we are talking only about those who contacted the studio directly: refunds issued through Sony, Microsoft, or retail stores are not included in the announced indicator.

According to Piotr Nielubowicz, CFO of CD Projekt RED, 95% of applications have already been processed within the Help Me Refund program, and the remaining 5% are under consideration.

“Please bear in mind that we are refunding people around the world, and we work with a wide variety of banking systems. This is not an easy task, ”said Nelyubovich.

Despite tens of thousands of returns and a temporary withdrawal from the PS Store, Cyberpunk 2077 has become a real success for CD Projekt RED: in the first three weeks since release; the game has sold 13.7 million copies.

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