A new jump in Bitcoin and another fantastic forecast. Cryptocurrencies Predict $ 288,000 Rates by 2024


After a two-month period of stability, the Bitcoin exchange rate soared again. At the end of April, the main cryptocurrency market went up sharply, briefly breaking the $ 9,000 mark. Then the rate fell by several hundred dollars, and now it has started to grow again.

jump in Bitcoin

At the moment, the exchange rate is about $ 9,200, and a number of analysts believe that Bitcoin is on the verge of the next stage of significant growth. In this case, the forecast did not arise from scratch.

Experts note an increase in the number of cryptocurrency wallets and a few days before the next halving (the process of reducing the speed of generating new units of cryptocurrency).

Moreover, one of the PlanB analysts stated that the model he developed indicates a Bitcoin capitalization of $ 5.5 trillion by 2024, which corresponds to the exchange rate of $ 288,000.