Added NVIDIA Reflex support to Overwatch: latency reduced to 2x


Added NVIDIA Reflex support to Overwatch: latency reduced to 2x

In multiplayer games, delays are one of the key parameters that determine the outcome of battles. It is to minimize latency that NVIDIA has developed a set of measures under the general name Reflex. Gradually, more and more competitive games are receiving support for Reflex – now Overwatch has joined


The latest test update brought NVIDIA Reflex support to PTR (Public Test Region) servers. According to internal NVIDIA tests, when this parameter is activated, system latencies can sometimes be halved:

To take part in the public testing of NVIDIA Reflex in Overwatch for Windows, you need to install the PTR version of the shooter with the March 12 update via Then activate the NVIDIA Reflex option in the graphics settings of the game. Overwatch also supports displaying latency information on monitors with Reflex Latency Analyzer support by enabling the Latency Flash Indicator option in the GeForce Experience application.

The Overwatch PTR update also includes the following changes:

  • fixed a bug in the “Bounty Hunt” mode, as a result of which Echo, copying Winston, could extend the duration of “Fury of the Beast”;
  • on the Dorado battlefield, a bug has been fixed that allowed a hook to catch on an unintended point on the map;
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the graphical effects of copied Echo heroes not appearing on high-resolution screenshots;
  • in the “Workshop,” a defect has been fixed, as a result of which the Create Dummy Bot action did not work for slots, 13-23 with the Spawn More Dummy Bots extension enabled.
Also Read:  Rumors: NVIDIA is working on a gaming graphics card on a stripped-down version of the flagship GPU Ampere

By the way, recently, Overwatch on Xbox Series X and S got support for 120 fps and other graphics modes. The shooter is available on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Series X, Series S, and PlayStation 5 (backward compatible). During BlizzConline, the developers talked about the development of McCree, Farrah, Reaper, and Widowmaker in Overwatch 2 and the new character Sojurn with a rail cannon. Blizzard has shared some of the anticipated innovations in the sequel to its competitive shooter. The second part’s release date has not been announced, but it is definitely not worth waiting for the launch this year.