Airlines will receive subsidies for the purchase of the first MS-21 aircraft


The fundamental decision on the so-called damping mechanism has already been made

The head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Yuri Slyusar, announced today that the cost of the MS-21 aircraft will be calculated using a damping mechanism.

MS-21 aircraft
MS-21 aircraft

Airlines will receive subsidies for the purchase of the first MS-21 aircraft

“ He [the damping mechanism] is being formed. There are basic decisions that the mechanism itself has already been approved. In fact, all decisions have been made. But directly the administration itself is at the stage of coordination. It won’t be just one ruling, because we’ll be on the path of cost justification ,” he said.

The head of the UAC added that ” the production of the first aircraft economically, of course, exceeds the ability of airlines to buy them at these prices ,” but the Ministry of Industry and Trade provided support, ” which makes it possible to compensate for the difference between the high price of the first aircraft and the price that is acceptable for airlines .”

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