Almost all video cards of the Ampere generation have lost SLI support. It is only available in the GeForce RTX 3090


Almost all video cards of the Ampere generation have lost SLI support. It is only available in the GeForce RTX 3090

At one time, AMD quite confidently developed the strategy of creating dual-processor video cards, and NVIDIA also noted with its experiments in this field. But gradually the interest of game developers in such solutions is decreasing, today even tandems of video cards like SLI or CrossFire are not popular. As it turned out, in the Ampere family, SLI support will be provided exclusively by its oldest representative, the GeForce RTX 3090.


More precisely, the NVLink interface will allow combining a pair of GeForce RTX 3090 video cards in one system, and for the physical connection of the boards, you will need a special connecting bridge, which is now estimated at almost $ 80 in the NVIDIA branded online store. It will go on sale in the United States on September 24, and in the company’s Russian online store, its appearance is scheduled for October 6.

A pair of GeForce RTX 3090 video cards will cost the American $ 2998, the Russians in this case will have to pay 273,980 rubles, and this is provided there is no shortage of video cards of this model in retail. As Tom’s Hardware explains, the number of modern games that support the SLI profile is vanishingly small, and among games, with support for ray tracing (RTX), there are none at all. Bundles of video cards scale well performance in computing or mining, but in games, they are less and less useful.

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However, there is still one more area of ​​application of graphic tandems, which pleases the owner’s vanity no less than the ability to buy components worth more than $ 3000. We are talking about the extreme overclocking of bundles of several video cards. In this case, the performance of the system is measured in special benchmarks, and the appearance of the name of the author of the record at the top lines of profile ratings can dull the regret about wasted funds for some time.