Angelina Jolie, after the legal storm, peace (with Zahara and Pax)


The actress, who flew to Burkina Faso on Sunday to show her support for thousands of Malian refugees, has returned to the United States, where she has no plans to give up the war with her ex-husband, Brad Pitt. Waiting for her, two of the six children

What brought Angelina Jolie to the door of Jonny Lee Miller, her ex-husband, has not (yet) been said. But the actress, who visited Burkina Faso on Sunday to support the thousands of Malian refugees who fled jihadist violence, returned to the United States, away from gossip and the spotlight. Jolie, on the first day of summer, landed in Los Angeles, where she stayed with two of her six children. Zahara and Pax, aged sixteen and seventeen, accompanied their mother throughout the evening, dining with her at a Brentwood restaurant.

The boys, who in the Pitt-Jolie divorce case will not testify against their father, who has been granted joint custody of the children, kept their eyes down, so as to avoid the flash of the photographers. Zahara, in black, walked in front of Angelina Jolie, Pax, with a shirt in neutral tones, was beside her. The actress, wearing a white dress against pale skin, covered her most recent tattoo with long sleeves. «And yet it moves», she had her forearm engraved, borrowing the phrase attributed to Galileo Galilei. A phrase that the evil ones said could be a message to Brad Pitt. Jolie, determined to continue her legal battle against her ex-husband, may have wanted to give him a warning. «Be careful, the truth always comes out».