Apple Extends 13 Free Defective Display Replacement Program for MacBook Pro


Apple Extends 13 Free Defective Display Replacement Program for MacBook Pro

Apple this week expanded its global 13-inch MacBook Pro display backlight repair program. From this moment, owners of devices with defective backlighting have the opportunity to contact Apple technical support for free repairs for five years after the date of purchase or three years after the start of the program, whichever is longer. Prior to that, users had this opportunity only for four years from the date of purchase.

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Apple launched this program on May 21, 2019, because a “very small percentage” of 13-inch MacBook Pros sold between October 2016 and February 2018 may have vertical bright areas at the bottom of the display or have the display backlight could completely stop working.

The program is available for 13-inch MacBook Pro models with two and four Thunderbolt 3 ports. It allows MacBook Pro owners to replace the display with a backlight defect free of charge. If found, users are encouraged to visit the support page on Apple’s website. Those who paid for the 13-inch MacBook Pro backlight repair at their own expense, the company can reimburse the costs.

In 2019, iFixit reported backlighting issues were related to a thin flex cable that could break as a result of wear and tear after opening and closing the lid on 13-inch MacBook Pros multiple times. Apple has increased the flex cable length by 2mm in its 2018 laptop models, which seems to fix the problem.

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