Apple launches MTV-style video streaming service that plays music 24/7


Apple launches MTV-style video streaming service that plays music 24/7

Today, the California-based tech giant launched a 24/7 stream of music content called Apple Music TV, similar to what MTV offered before it re-specialized into reality television. It is known that in the USA the stream is available for free.

Apple Music
Apple Music

According to Apple, the streaming service will broadcast exclusive new music videos, concerts, and charts. It premiered today with a broadcast of the 100 most-watched U.S. songs in Apple Music history. A video stream is scheduled for Thursday on the upcoming release of Bruce Springsteen’s new album, “Letter to You”. In the US, the new music streaming channel should appear in the Overview tab of the Apple Music and Apple TV apps. Nothing is known about the launch of the service in other regions yet.

The concept of a 24/7 music channel was first proposed by MTV in 1981 after early testing started back in 1977. However, after a while, the channel abandoned its exclusive focus on music and began broadcasting other content, which, according to management, should have attracted the attention of its main audience of adolescents and young people.