Apple predicts a capitalization of $ 2 trillion in four years


To do this, she does not need any revolutions

Apple was the first in the world to reach $ 1 trillion in market capitalization. Then several more players joined this “elite club”, and Apple lost and returned leadership again and again.


Apple predicts a capitalization of $ 2 trillion in four years

Specifically, at the moment, Apple is slightly ahead of Microsoft (1.4 versus $ 1.39 trillion), but just a few days ago, Microsoft was the first. In any case, an Evercore analyst believes that Apple is the first to reach $ 2 trillion, and will do so over the next four years. True, the analyst says that the Cupertino giant will reach a level that no other company has reached, but at the end of last year, Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil company of Saudi Arabia, was already worth $ 2 trillion.

The analysis of the Evercore analyst is in fact nothing unexpected. Moreover, it is based on a completely conservative forecast, which does not imply any major jumps in the value of Apple shares in the coming years. And this means that the analyst does not believe that the upcoming products of the company will be able to make some kind of revolution in the market, which will lead to the rapid growth of Apple shares.

At the same time, the source’s specialist has high hopes for the services of the Cupertino giant and wearable electronics – these are exactly the areas of Apple’s business that have recently shown considerable growth.