Baldur’s Gate 3 User Agreement obliges game buyers to sing or dance for developers


Baldur’s Gate 3 User Agreement obliges game buyers to sing or dance for developers

A member of the Reddit forum under the pseudonym ViviFFIX drew attention to an interesting segment of the Baldur’s Gate 3 user agreement, which imposes certain obligations on game buyers.

Baldurs Gate 3
Baldurs Gate 3

As a rule, players accept all the conditions set forth in such documents, without even reading them, but it would be worth it: the developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 treacherously took advantage of the shortsightedness of consumers.

“By accepting this pact, you take on the side quest to provide Larian with a recording of how you perform a song, lyrics, verse, or dance that celebrates your interest in Forgotten Kingdoms,” the agreement says.

In case of refusal or inability to complete the task within three years from the adoption of the pact, players will deprive themselves of “glory, wealth, and/or shame as the founder of our Guild of the Great Genius

The PC Gamer added that, in addition to the above, in the user agreement Baldur’s Gate 3 calls do not make deals with fantasy, infernal or otherworldly creatures.

Baldur’s Gate 3 was released on October 6 in Early Access on PC (Steam, GOG) and on Google Stadia. At this stage, the game suffers from numerous problems with which the developers have already begun to struggle.

Consent to complete the quest also grants Larian Studios an “international, perpetual and royalty-free” license to publish user-submitted recordings on their social networks.

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