Bethenny Frankel Opens Up About Being Attacked in NYC Amid Disturbing Trend of Random Assaults 


Former “Real Housewives of New York” star Bethenny Frankel has come forward with a disturbing story of her own, adding to a growing trend of seemingly random attacks on women in New York City. Following a string of TikTok videos where women shared experiences of being punched in the face on the street, Frankel revealed she had also been a victim.

Sharing on Social Media After Seeing Similar Attacks

Frankel initially shared her experience in a comment on a TikTok video by a Parsons fashion design student who was attacked while walking home from class. She wrote, “This is insane bc this happened to me a few months ago but I was embarrassed to say. I was on the UWS [Upper West Side]. Insane. I was taking a video of a bakery.”

Bethenny Frankel
Bethenny Frankel

Details of the Attack Emerge Through TikTok Video

The public’s attention shifted to Frankel’s experience after her comment gained traction. She then took to TikTok herself on Thursday to detail the attack. Explaining she was looking for an apartment, she recounted, “I stopped at this cute little deli-bakery tiny place… I walked in and I was shooting the baked goods and as I turned around… this guy punched me. Hit me is more [accurate], it wasn’t like a closed fist, just hit me in the face.”

Fear and Confusion in the Aftermath

Frankel described the immediate shock of the attack. “I was completely stunned,” she said. “I walked outside and my driver, who is also security, I looked at him and gestured over to this man, this homeless man, to explain to him that I’d just been hit. But I didn’t want to provoke this guy even more.” She further explained her driver confronted the attacker, but fearing escalation, they opted to leave the situation.

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Impact on Apartment Hunting and Safety Concerns

The attack left Frankel shaken. She revealed texting the broker for the property, stating, “I didn’t want to see any apartments in New York City anymore because ‘this city’s insane.'” Initially attributing the incident to pandemic-related crime, she expressed surprise upon learning it was part of a larger trend.

Seeking Support and Raising Awareness

Frankel used her platform to express solidarity with other victims. She shared support for the other women who had been attacked and highlighted the importance of safety, especially for her 13-year-old daughter Bryn.

Is New York City Safe? A Look at Random Attacks

Frankel’s story sheds light on a concerning trend of seemingly random attacks on women in New York City. While the exact cause remains under investigation, the prevalence of these incidents has sparked conversations about safety in public spaces.

What is Known About These Attacks?

These attacks appear to target women and often involve being struck in the face. Many incidents occur on the street, with little to no warning or provocation from the victim. The motives behind the attacks remain unclear, and investigations are ongoing.

Safety Tips for Women in New York City

With this trend in mind, here are some safety tips for women in New York City:

  • Stay alert and aware of your surroundings, especially when walking alone.
  • Trust your instincts and avoid situations that feel unsafe.
  • If possible, walk in well-lit areas and on populated streets.
  • Consider carrying a personal safety device.
  • Let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to be back.
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Navigating the Aftermath: Fear and Uncertainty

Following the assault, Bethenny Frankel confronts a wave of emotions, including shock, disbelief, and fear. Her decision to forego further apartment hunting in New York City underscores the profound impact of the incident on her sense of safety and well-being.

Addressing the Root Cause: A Reflection on Crime Trends

Bethenny Frankel contextualizes her experience within the broader landscape of crime trends in New York City, attributing the rise in street assaults to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Her astute observation sheds light on the complex interplay of social factors contributing to urban safety concerns.

Empathy and Solidarity: Standing with Fellow Victims

In a show of solidarity, Bethenny Frankel extends her support to other women who have fallen victim to similar attacks. By sharing her story and offering words of encouragement, Frankel reinforces the importance of unity and resilience in the face of adversity.

Protecting the Next Generation: A Mother’s Concern

As a mother to her 13-year-old daughter Bryn, Bethenny Frankel takes proactive steps to educate and protect her child from potential harm. Her commitment to raising awareness about street violence underscores the importance of equipping young individuals with the knowledge and tools to stay safe in urban environments.