Blizzard has “practically no” projects left to create remasters, so we can hope for new games.


Blizzard has “practically no” projects left to create remasters, so we can hope for new games.

The publication CNET communicates with Blizzard Entertainment president Jay Allen Brack (J. Allen Brack) and senior vice president of Allen Adham (Allen Adham). The latter stated in an interview that the studio had no projects left to release remasters. Therefore, in the future, users will be able to see new games from Blizzard.

Diablo 4
Diablo 4

Allen Adam’s statement reads: “It is worth noting that we have practically no projects left to create remasters. So you can expect to see something new in the future. We used to release a game and maybe one or two patches to it and then move on to the next project. And now we live in this new world of constant support [of games]. This means that development cycles have become longer, teams have grown, and the requirements for our successful projects have increased – now it takes more time to release a new product. But for the sake of clarity, it’s worth noting that our development pipeline is now as rich as it ever was. We have new teams working on new games and genres

Recall that in 2021, Blizzard Entertainment will release  Diablo II: Resurrected, and in the future, the company will send Diablo IV and Overwatch 2 to store shelves. These games will definitely not be released this year.

Also Read:  Diablo II: Resurrected alpha testing will be divided into single-player and multiplayer