Citrix Launches App Protection to Protect Data on Personal Devices


Citrix Systems has announced the App Protection tool, which protects applications and data on unmanaged end devices and ensures the security of enterprise systems and information.

App Protection to Protect Data on Personal Devices
App Protection to Protect Data on Personal Devices

“Endpoints are the penultimate frontier for protecting devices, data and applications. Speeding up the transition to remote work caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the rapid increase in the number of unmanaged personal devices used for official purposes, created a specific problem, because decentralization is not friendly with information security, said Frank Dickson, vice president IDC Security Projects. “And to solve this problem we need comprehensive tools.”

Agree with him Dion Hinchcliffe (Dion Hinchcliffe), vice president and chief analyst of Constellation Research, visiting professor of the centre of digital strategies of the School of business named. Amos Taka: “The recent massive transition to remote work has been partially realized thanks to the ability to use affordable devices, including unmanaged ones. At the same time, a new vast surface has opened up for attacks on cybersecurity systems and, accordingly, a burden has been added on employees adapting to new conditions, he notes. – App Protection provides invaluable protection, employees and employers can be sure that remote devices are safe from the point of view of leakage of critical information. Everyone can focus on the essentials while doing work in their secure, secure digital workplace. ”

App Protection tool

Adapting to new standards of work from home, many workers in different countries use any devices that simplify their access to the resources necessary for work. Usually, these are laptops, tablets and phones. “On such devices spread malware that intercepts keyboard input and make screenshots, giving hackers the ability to enter the corporate network and gain valuable information”, – said Eric Kenny (Eric Kenney), Citrix senior product marketing manager.

Keyboard interception malware installed on the device records all keystrokes, including user names and their passwords. Screen capture programs periodically take screenshots, saving them in a hidden folder on the device or immediately transferring them to the server of the attacking side, where the information is processed. App Protection service helps prevent this.

App Protection protects against programs that intercept keyboards and screenshots by encoding keystrokes on the device and transmitting meaningless characters to attackers, and instead of screen captures, attackers receive blank images.

Once App Protection is activated, employees can use their personal, unmanaged end devices without compromising the company’s information security.