Codemasters Will Improve DualSense Vibration In DiRT 5 On PS5


Codemasters Will Improve DualSense Vibration In DiRT 5 On PS5

DiRT 5 racing arcade technical director  David Springate on GameOnDaily discussed next-generation consoles. In an extended conversation, the developer revealed that the studio will update the game’s tactile experience on the PlayStation 5 as a lot of people are asking for it.


Interestingly, the studio has previously spoken out positively about the vibration of the DualSense controller that comes with the PlayStation 5. However, it looks like Codemasters can do even better in this regard.

“I’ve seen a lot of people say, ‘I want to try DiRT 5 on PS5 because of the tactile feel.’ This is very interesting to me because I communicate with a lot of people in various forums and in Discord DiRT 5 … A lot of people say they like the tactile feedback on the PS5. We are unhappy [with the way it is implemented in DiRT 5]. Although I haven’t seen anyone say that they didn’t like the tactile feedback in DiRT, we are not happy, so we are going to redo it, ” – said Springgate on the broadcast.

The conversation then turned to the Xbox Series X and the question of whether DiRT 5 could get any further improvements thanks to the Velocity architecture optimizations. Springate replied that he could not promise this because Codemasters is trying to balance between many aspects. Nevertheless, the developer praised the Xbox Series X media. According to him, it was able to achieve 5 Gbps I / O speed without hardware compression.

Interestingly, Microsoft itself indicates a lower uncompressed I / O rate of 2.5 Gbps. But as Springgate said, it’s a matter of optimization.

“To get the most out of your fast storage across all platforms, you need to make multiple requests at the same time. You need to load five hundred textures at once, forget about loading one by one, – explained Springate. – Then you need to post this data. You need to know what memory they will go to, you need to know what you need before you make a request. This is the difficulty. This is not a question of hardware, this is not a question of APIs from Microsoft or Sony. This is an engineering challenge. We’re very close, we’ve done a lot of tests. I will not say that [some improvements will be released in the form of an update], but personally, I am very interested in this

DiRT 5 went on sale on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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