Cyberpunk 2077 is postponed due to PS4 and Xbox One, but everything is fine with PC and new consoles


Cyberpunk 2077 is postponed due to PS4 and Xbox One, but everything is fine with PC and new consoles

The third transfer Cyberpunk 2077 came as a surprise to many people, including themselves developers from CD Projekt RED, if you believe the recent statements made by the media. Meanwhile, the CEO of the Polish studio, Adam Kicinski, on a recent teleconference, unambiguously hinted that the latest shift in the game’s release date is related to the current generation consoles. It looks like the studio hasn’t had time to complete all production processes related to the PS4 and Xbox One versions.

Cyberpunk 2077

As the portal IGN reports with reference to the Polish resource Pap Business, Adam Kichinsky said that the third transfer will definitely be the last. According to him, this release date adjustment is different from the rest: “The PC game is ready and works well on the next-generation consoles. The company is already finalizing its PS4 and Xbox One processes” Hence the conclusion that the performance of the versions of Cyberpunk 2077 for the current generation consoles did not suit CD Projekt RED, and the studio decided to shift the release date again.

In the same call, Michal Nowakowski, Senior Vice President Business Development for CD Projekt RED, spoke about future expansions of the upcoming action RPG. According to him, the latest transfer will not affect the plans for their launch.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on December 10, 2020, on PC, PS4, Xbox One, GeForce Now, and Google Stadia. Later, full versions of the project will be released for new generation consoles.

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