Destruction AllStars Creators Shared Details of Season 1 – Starting May 5


Destruction AllStars Creators Shared Details of Season 1 – Starting May 5

Lucid Games has unveiled Hotheads, the first season of content for its car action movie Destruction AllStars.

Destruction AllStars
Destruction AllStars

With the launch of the debut season, the star Alba, originally from Scotland, will appear in the game. The heroine is dressed in a high-tech armored suit and can create obstacles from the ground to block the path of opponents or protect herself from enemy vehicles. The Claymore Plaid Car fires a laser beam that damages opponents.

By June, Destruction AllStars will have a competitive Blitz mode for four teams of three. The goal of the players is to be the first to score the required number of points. At each stage, the participants choose a new hero, and the accumulated energy is saved. The team that wins the most rounds wins.

Two weeks after the launch of the season, the developers will add a photo mode to Destruction AllStars. It will be available in all types of single-player games and allow you to add stickers, frames, and filters to the resulting pictures.

In addition, the first season will offer new challenges and the AllStar Pass, which includes 100 rewards: skins, emotes, shouts, avatars, and banners.

The Hot Heads season starts on May 5 and runs until July. Destruction AllStars is only available on PlayStation 5.

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