Domestic alternative to Google Play: less than 10% of applications do not pass moderation in RuStore


More than 10 thousand applications from 7 thousand developers are already available in the store

The team of the domestic analogue of Google Play – the RuStore online application store for the Android operating system – shared the latest news about the project. As it turned out, the vast majority of applications (93%) that developers upload to RuStore are tested and made available to users.

Google Play
Google Play

The press service of RuStore said:

The support service and the moderation team work almost around the clock. The average time from review to publication of an application is less than an hour.

Domestic alternative to Google Play: less than 10% of applications do not pass moderation in RuStore

Most often, applications containing low-quality or controversial content do not pass the test. The reason for refusal may be an unfinished version (declared services are not available or the application is a link to a website and does not add additional functions), a large amount of advertising or requested access to device functions that do not correspond to the purpose of the application. For example, when the “Calculator” requires permission to the photo album.

Apps with malicious code account for less than 0.5% of the total downloads. According to RuStore statistics, most often such deviations are found in applications from the categories “useful tools”, “bets” and “sports”.

Recall that RuStore was created by VK (formerly Group) under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Development. This app catalog became available in May 2022. At the beginning of February 2023, RuStore exited the beta testing stage. Since its launch, the monthly audience of RuStore in Russia has exceeded ten million people. More than 10 thousand applications from 7 thousand developers are already available in the store.