Durov: Telegram will be able to create TV channels


Durov: Telegram will be able to create TV channels

Today Telegram has added the ability to conduct voice chats in channels. At the same time, the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, said that the messenger would create TV channels quite soon.


The emergence of the ability to conduct voice chats in channels, in fact, provided the messenger with functionality similar to the viral Clubhouse social network. But at the same time, the conversation can then be saved as a podcast, which is quite convenient. And it looks like Telegram is not planning to stop.

Durov did not go into details, saying only that now users have the opportunity to create a radio station in their channel, and by the end of spring, it will be possible to create a TV channel. We can assume that we are talking about the possibility of conducting video broadcasts like the same Twitch or YouTube. Or there will be something simpler, like streaming on Instagram or video chats on channels.

In general, it is not too long to wait for new details – the function will appear in the next two months.

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