First Halo Infinite Details After Long Silence: Sandbox, PC Feel and Optimization


First Halo Infinite Details After Long Silence: Sandbox, PC Feel and Optimization

Studio 343 Industries has posted on the official website of the Halo franchise an article on the progress of the development of the sci-fi shooter Halo Infinite. It mainly focuses on the sandbox of the game, but it also has a discussion of optimizing the project on various platforms and a commentary on control on a PC.

Halo infinite
Halo infinite

The team explained that the concept of a semi-open world in Halo Infinite is to make every element – weapons, vehicles, abilities, map, and more – unique, giving an advantage or power that the player can use.

“When we prototyped the gear, we wanted it to complement and improve the main combat loop – pushing the boundaries far enough for the player to feel powerful, but not interfering with the process,” said one member of the 343 Industries team responsible for Sandbox “. “ We were looking for gear that could be combined with maps, modes, weapons, and vehicles in new and effective ways

In addition, 343 Industries also wanted to make sure that the tools in the sandbox are easy to use and understand for novice players, but have fun enough mechanics for seasoned fans to master and gain a unique advantage as a result. In addition, the developers shared their desire to make the controls on the PC “as good or even better than other shooters” Porting Halo: The Master Chief Collection helped a lot in understanding how to achieve this.

The studio also assured that it is making every effort to optimize Halo Infinite across all platforms. “This is what excites me as an engineering architect: For Halo Infinite, we rebuilt the multi-threaded engine solution to deliver high performance on all platforms and PCs, instead of running optimally only on Xbox One,” said Daniele Giannetti.

At this time, all of the Halo Infinite content planned to be offered at launch is ready. 343 Industries conducts extensive testing and refinement.

Halo Infinite will be released on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and S in fall 2021.