GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card is much faster than RTX 2080 Super in Geekbench test


GeForce RTX 3070 almost on par with Tesla V100 and Quadro RTX 6000

As the start of sales of the GeForce RTX 3070 video card approaches, it appears more and more often in various benchmarks. This time we suggest you take a look at the RTX 3070 performance benchmark in Geekbench 5.

GeForce RTX 3070

GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card is much faster than RTX 2080 Super in Geekbench test

As you can see, the video card scored 127,421 points in the OpenCL test. The result is very good. For comparison, the RTX 2080 Super is gaining only 113,088 points. Thus, the GeForce RTX 3070 is much closer to the “professional” Tesla V100 (131,696 points) and Quadro RTX 6000 (133,361 points) than to the previous generation Nvidia flagship consumer line.