Google Maps users will soon be able to add unmarked roads and fix existing ones


Google Maps users will soon be able to add unmarked roads and fix existing ones

Many Google Maps users have come across the fact that no road was marked on the maps, or, on the contrary, the marked road did not actually exist. Users will soon be able to fix this. Google will add to the proprietary map service the ability to “finish” missing roads or fix incorrectly laid existing ones.

Google maps
Google maps

Currently, if a user tries to add an unrecorded road to Google Maps, he can only put a pin where the path should run, enter its name and send this information to Google for review. The new tool, the functionality of which resembles the line drawing tool in popular graphic editors, will allow not only adding roads that are not in Google Maps but also entering data characterizing them. For example, the user will indicate the direction of the road if one-way traffic is provided on it.

Of course, Google will still check for custom fixes. It is reported that the company will take about seven days to review the application. The new feature will become available in the coming months in 80 countries. Also, Google Maps will receive a feature called Photo Updates, which will allow you to share individual details about a place without having to leave a full review. It will be possible to add comments to existing photos of the place.

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