Has Killzone retired? The authors have closed the official website of the franchise


Has Killzone retired? The authors have closed the official website of the franchise

The official site for the Killzone series has been shut down by Sony Interactive Entertainment and Guerrilla Games. Soon, all visitors to killzone.com will be redirected to PlayStation.com.

killzone 3
Killzone 3

So far, on Killzone.com you can see the official announcement of Guerrilla Games – the creator of all six parts of the sci-fi shooter series – to close the site.

“The official site of the Killzone franchise has been closed. Going forward, visitors to Killzone.com will be redirected to PlayStation.com. While this change does not affect online multiplayer, player stats, or rankings in Killzone: Mercenary and Killzone: Shadow Fall, clans can no longer be created or managed in Killzone: Shadow Fall. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thanks to the many fans and visitors to Killzone.com over the years for your enthusiasm and support, ”wrote Guerrilla Games.

The Killzone series talked about the confrontation between the Interplanetary Strategic Alliance and the state on the planet Helghan, which is not suitable for life. The game takes place in the distant future when mankind has devastated the resources of the Earth and set off to conquer other worlds.

The last release of the franchise took place over seven years ago, on November 15, 2013, when Killzone: Shadow Fall was released on PlayStation 4. Since then, Guerrilla Games has switched to another game – Horizon Zero Dawn. It was released on PlayStation 4 in 2017, and is now preparing its sequel called Horizon Forbidden West – the project will go on sale on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

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