HEAL Foundation’s India Fights TB Campaign: A Beacon of Hope


In a resolute effort to combat tuberculosis and enhance treatment outcomes, HEAL Foundation, with the support of Mylan Pharmaceuticals Private Limited, has launched the India Fights TB campaign. This initiative is a response to the persistent challenges hindering progress in TB control, including low awareness, stigma, and treatment non-adherence.

The Commitment to Awareness

R. Shankar, President of HEAL Foundation, has expressed an unwavering commitment to addressing India’s TB crisis. He emphasizes the importance of creating widespread awareness about the disease, its symptoms, and the critical need for early diagnosis and treatment adherence. By fostering a supportive environment and educating the public, the campaign aims to reduce the stigma associated with TB and empower patients to complete their treatment.

HEAL Foundation India Fights TB Campaign
HEAL Foundation India Fights TB Campaign

Ajay Bhatia, Head of Commercial Operations India at Viatris, highlights the significance of partnerships and collaborations in combatting TB. He emphasizes the need for collective efforts from all stakeholders to effectively address this formidable health concern. The India Fights TB initiative aims to spread awareness, enhance treatment adherence, and improve outcomes for TB patients.

Empowering Patients and Communities

Dr. Dhara Shah, Head of Medical Affairs at Viatris India, underscores the critical juncture of TB eradication in India. The government’s TB elimination program strives to end TB by 2025. Through the India Fights TB initiative, accurate information will be provided to patients, caregivers, and the community at large. This will support health-seeking behavior and empower individuals to access information, treatments, and better outcomes, ultimately breaking the stigma surrounding TB.

Accessing Information and Support

India Fights TB encompasses a comprehensive range of strategies to address the multifaceted challenges of TB control. The campaign’s official website, www.indiafightstb.com, serves as a centralized platform offering a wealth of information about TB, its prevention, and treatment. Visitors can access educational materials, informative videos, and frequently asked questions to enhance their understanding of TB and its management.

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HEAL Foundation’s Ongoing Commitment

The launch of India Fights TB marks a significant stride in the HEAL Foundation’s commitment to addressing critical healthcare challenges in India. By spreading awareness, combating stigma, and promoting treatment adherence, this initiative has the potential to make a tangible impact on the lives of TB patients and contribute to the overall goal of eliminating TB from the country.