How to avoid shipping charges on Amazon


How can you always get free shipping on Amazon, with or without a Prime subscription

When we buy online on Amazon, the first thing we need to check, before buying the much desired item or the product offered for sale at a too attractive price, is whether shipping costs will be applied when completing the procedure in the cart. additional : even if on Amazon many products are sold without shipping costs (but only if we reach a specific spending threshold or if we activate Amazon Prime), some third-party sellers apply shipping costs in any case , which is better to know in advance to avoid losing all the advantage of buying on a site like Amazon or losing your savings.
In the following guide we will show you in detail how to avoid shipping costs on Amazon , showing you all the tricks that you can apply to always have free shipping, whatever the frequency of purchase on the famous e-commerce site. Continuing the reading we will see how to recognize an item with shipping costs , how to recognize the sum of the shipping costs (if any) and how to filter the search to always avoid shipping costs.

Avoid shipping costs with Amazon Prime

If we have Amazon Prime active on our account, avoiding shipping costs is really simple , since shipments are already unlimited on all products sold and shipped by Amazon or on products shipped by Amazon (even for third-party sellers). To find only products without shipping costs, make sure to activate, during any search on Amazon, the Prime switch on the left side.

By activating this filter we will see only Prime products in the search results, so as to avoid any shipping costs and also benefit from faster shipping (called Premium shipping , which usually ships within 1 day in almost all of Italy). With this active filter we will also have access to products sold by third-party sellers but entrusted to Amazon logistics: also in this case we will not pay the shipping costs, but the delivery speed may change (also based on the seller’s availability).

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If we do a lot of research from the Amazon app for Android and for iPhone / iPad we can avoid shipping costs (with Prime active) by opening the app, starting the search for any product (in the search bar at the top) and making sure to activate the tick on the Prime switch.

Exactly as seen in the web version we will only have access to products sold and shipped by Amazon and products shipped by Amazon, thus filtering the results and always avoiding shipping costs.

Avoid shipping costs without Amazon Prime

If we do not have Amazon Prime active on our account it becomes slightly more difficult to understand if we will have to pay the shipping costs at the end of the purchase, since Amazon also charges the shipping costs if the price of the products placed in the cart is less than 29 € . To avoid this scenario, make sure you buy enough items to exceed the cost of € 29 or just focus on items that have a minimum price of € 30 ; to activate the dedicated filtering during any search, activate the Prime item on the side and set the minimum price to be shown 30 € , using the Minimum Price field on the side.

In this way we will only ever show products over € 30 and we will never have to pay shipping costs. Unfortunately, some items cost much less than € 30 and, for third-party sellers, it is still possible to run into shipping costs , even if we have Prime active.

In these cases we must not despair, as there is always a solution! First we press on the item New and used immediately under the price indication and check if there are other sellers with the Prime shipping included or with the free standard shipping; we will probably spend more, but we will be sure not to pay any expenses other than those indicated in the product screen. If, on the other hand, the product is not sold by other sellers, it is better to go back to the search screen and try to see if there are other similar products but with Prime shipping , so as not to spend more on shipments.

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If we are new users on Amazon (so we have never bought anything before), we can benefit from the first free shipping whatever the amount spent (at least for products shipped by Amazon): to benefit from this opportunity we enter the object desired in the cart, press the cart icon at the top and, once in the summary screen, make sure that the word Welcome to Amazon is present at the top FREE shipping on your first order , so you can always buy your first order on the platform for free.

Use Amazon Prime for free

A good way to immediately have fast shipments without limits and avoid shipping costs is to activate the trial period for Amazon Prime

By opening the indicated page and pressing the Subscribe button and use it for free for 30 days we will have the opportunity to try all the benefits of Amazon Prime without spending anything , so you can apply the tips seen in the first chapter of the guide and buy only products without shipping costs .


On Amazon we can really find many products on offer at exceptional prices, but we must pay close attention to hidden shipping costs: the presence of these shipping costs nullifies any kind of savings (many sellers play on shipping costs to deceive users) and, in case of refunds, they are always excluded, being an extra expense not covered by any guarantee. To be on the safe side, therefore, we always focus on products sold and shipped by Amazon or products shipped by Amazon , regardless of whether you have Amazon Prime active on your account.