Huawei WATCH FIT review: small form


Huawei WATCH FIT review: small form

The differences between a smartwatch and a fitness bracelet are in fact vanishingly insignificant and are somewhere more in the field of the image. The watch is larger, offers more features, and has a more visible aesthetic function – and aims to be worn on a daily basis without taking off. A fitness bracelet is cheaper, more compact, but with a small screen and, as a rule, an unremarkable design, it is designed primarily for wearing during workouts. Huawei tried to create a watch for those who would like to have exactly that daily fitness tracker for a full day cycle. Moreover, it is inexpensive.

Huawei watch fit
Huawei watch fit

Huawei WATCH FIT tried to take the best of two close, but still not overlapping worlds – from fitness bracelets and smartwatches: they combine compact dimensions, excellent autonomy with rich functionality, and a large, very bright screen. And sprinkle it with something of your own, special – a built-in “trainer”. It turned out to be a very interesting model for everyone who leads an active lifestyle but is not entirely satisfied with their standard tracker.

Read more about Huawei WATCH FIT in the review.

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