Based on RISC architecture
Consumer and even server processors often offer multi-threading technologies, where one core can simultaneously process two streams of data. Intel today introduced a processor that handles 528 threads with eight cores!

That is, we are talking about 66 threads per core. True, the kernels here are not x86-compatible. The unusual Intel processor relies on the RISC architecture. Each core has 192 KB of cache and 4 MB of SRAM.

In addition to the fact that the processor has an incredible implementation of multithreading, it is also endowed with elements of silicon photonics. When leaving the chip, each chip, and this is a chiplet CPU, uses silicon photonics to control the optical network. Due to this, inter-core connections can be made directly between chips, even if they are not in the same chassis, without the addition of switches and network cards. All components are connected via EMIB.
Intel introduced an eight-core 528-thread processor with silicon photonics
The optical part of the CPU consumes about half of the total energy. As a result, the processor is characterized by a TDP of 75 watts. It can also be noted that it consists of 27.6 billion transistors, and the crystal area is 316 mm 2 . The CPU is produced according to the 7 nm process technology at the facilities of TSCM.
The processor has a BGA-3275 design, supports 32 optical I/O ports at a speed of 32 GB/s/directory and 32 GB of special DDR5-4400 DRAM. The platform as a whole is capable of supporting up to 16 processors, which will give 120 cores and 8448 threads.
Apparently, all this was created primarily with an eye on the DARPA HIVE software.