IOS users can still laugh at Android for that. Android 10 still occupies only 8.2% of its market


Most Popular – Android Pie

For many years, Google has published monthly statistics on the distribution of a particular version of Android. But at the end of 2018, something changed, and the corresponding data disappeared for many months.

Android Pie
Android Pie

IOS users can still laugh at Android for that. Android 10 still occupies only 8.2% of its market

Last year, Google published the latest data once, and now the company has completely removed the corresponding diagram from its website. Instead, Google suggests using Android Studio for statistics.

However, there is no usual diagram there either. There is another that displays the “cumulative distribution.”

In short, the indicator next to each version indicates to developers what percentage of devices on the market works with Android version not lower than the selected one. That is, 39.5% near Android Pie indicate that 39.5% of the devices on the market are running Android Pie and Android 10. And we understand that the latter now occupies only 8.2%. Accordingly, the share of Android Pie is 31.3%, that is, this version is the most common at the moment.

For what reasons, Google has abandoned the old practice of publishing monthly statistics, it is unclear.

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