iPhone 2021 camera with an extra sensor, but the LiDAR remains isolated


You read that right: iPhone 2021. Not the 12, of which we now know a lot, almost everything, and from the launch of which, however, still separate us three, four months – we will have to see if the coronavirus emergency will affect the traditional Apple agenda. In fact, it is not even the first time that we talk about the iPhones of the next year, 13 or 12S that are: today the object of the rumours is the camera, but recently we have discussed the rumours that want it completely without doors.

Duty premise: the more the rumours go into the future with the forecasts, the more they can prove inaccurate. For the simple fact that at this very moment in Cupertino they will have several iPhone 13 prototypes to evaluate, all subject to potential change. Therefore it is better to take this information with gloves ( of which we have stocked a lot, given the period ), keeping in mind that even if they were founded today, it does not mean that they then coincide with the final product.

iPhone 2021 camera with an extra sensor
iPhone 2021 camera with an extra sensor

Having said that, let’s face the news: the source is the same that had anticipated information which then everyone aligned, namely the presence of a LiDAR sensor, like that of the new iPad Pro, to support the three sensors of the photo module on the Pro and Pro Max models of the 2020 model (iPhone 12 and 12 Max will have a double chamber), and also providing a first representation of the layout that we now know well: that is, a square element very similar to that seen on the last generation of iPhone that contains four sensors arranged symmetrically, one for each corner.

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On the iPhones of 2021, apparently, we must expect an additional camera, and the “isolated” LiDAR sensor, outside the square that encloses the photographic sector, thus ruining the overall symmetry a little. Note, in the side view of the device, the protrusion common to both the camera and the single LiDAR sensor.

Of course, maybe you will say that it looks like an image made with Paint: you are not wrong. So much so that in the related thread on Twitter, someone then created a slightly more “polite” image based on the same assumptions (the one above). But that’s not the point: Fudge, the leaker who shared the image, paid no attention to aesthetics, but to the substance. It is, therefore, an essential reconstruction, poor, but which wants to communicate precise information. For the rest, only time will tell us which way Apple will take for the iPhones of 2021 and if it will find an aesthetically more “satisfying” solution to reconcile the five sensors on the back.