IPhone XR Released Over 2.5 Years Ago Better Than iPhone 12 After iOS 14.5.1
Launched in the fall of 2018, the iPhone XR outperformed the iPhone 11 and iPhone 12, released in September 2019 and October 2020, respectively. A video recording of comparative tests of three Apple smartphones was published on the YouTube channel of blogger Nick Ackerman.

Before testing, the blogger updated the operating system on all three devices to iOS 14.5.1, which was launched not long ago. The tests compared the loading times of smartphones, the speed of opening applications, video rendering, and the results in the Geekbench and 3DMark tests.
As a result, it turned out that in synthetic tests, the iPhone XR outperforms the more modern iPhone 11 and iPhone 12, which looks rather strange. When tested in multi-core mode in Geekbench, the iPhone XR confidently bypassed its rivals. A similar picture was observed when testing in 3DMark, and the iPhone 11 is significantly inferior to the older smartphone.
The source suggests that this behavior can be due to various reasons. Most likely, the matter is in the iOS 14.5.1 update, which for some reason slows down the work of new iPhone models. The performance degradation could also be affected by the new power management algorithm, although the reported performance degradation appears to be quite dramatic. There may be a problem with optimizing benchmark applications, but this option is actually unlikely.
With a high degree of confidence, we can assume that a significant decrease in performance will attract Apple’s attention, and the developers will soon release a fix for iOS 14.5.2.