It looks like Mafia II: Definitive Edition will appear on PC and consoles


A Korean rating agency has added Mafia II: Definitive Edition to the database.

Rumours about the return of the second part of the gangster series have already appeared, but at the moment – this is the only confirmation of the existence of the project. Unfortunately, almost no details have been provided. It is also unknown on which devices the game will appear. However, it can be assumed that the project will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and, almost certainly, on Switch. In the latter case, this is likely in light of the announcements of a number of games by the 2K publisher.

Mafia II
Mafia II

It looks like Mafia II: Definitive Edition will appear on PC and consoles

Note that the information on the release of Mafia II: Definitive Edition is not confirmed, so you should wait for the official announcement.

Recall that Mafia 2 was released in August 2010 and received 77% on Metacritic. With our review of “Mafia 2 – the city is not without sin” we get acquainted here.

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