Lady Gaga found Koji and Gustav, the two French bulldogs who had been stolen from her


Lady Gaga found Koji and Gustav –

ALL IS BAD THAT ENDS WELL – Los Angeles police announced Friday, February 26, that the singer and actress’ two dogs have been found. Both animals are safe and sound.

Lady Gaga, on the red carpet of the Oscars ceremony in February 2019
Lady Gaga, on the red carpet of the Oscars ceremony in February 2019

The heart of Lady Gaga, a time “sick”, will be better. Two days after the kidnapping of his two dogs, Wednesday, February 24 on an avenue in Los Angeles, the two pets were found, the city police announced in a series of tweets. Koji and Gustav, two French bulldogs, had been kidnapped while being walked by an employee of the superstar. The latter had been taken to task by two people getting out of a car, refusing to let go of the two canines, before being shot.

  • Lady Gaga’s two dogs kidnapped, she offers $ 500,000 to recover them

The walker in a “stable” state

The anguish of the performer of the famous Poker Face ended after a woman handed them over to a police station in the east of the city on Friday February 26 around 6 p.m. local time. “A woman found the dogs and joined Lady Gaga’s team to hand them over to her,” the LAPD said in its statement. Her name has not been given, nor where she found them, while the investigation is still ongoing, with police still trying to name the two kidnappers.

Los Angeles Police have also given news of Ryan Fischer, the walker who was shot. A time announced in serious condition, his condition is now “stable”

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After the theft was announced, the actress published a post on Instagram offering a reward of $ 500,000 for the two dogs to be returned to her.