Landing gear of the imported aircraft SJ-100 successfully passed the tests


The aircraft received another opinion necessary to start the flight test program

The Siberian Research Institute of Aviation named after S. A. Chaplygin (SibNIA) reported that the main and front landing gear of the imported SJ-100 passenger aircraft were successfully tested.

aircraft SJ-100
aircraft SJ-100

Landing gear of the imported aircraft SJ-100 successfully passed the tests

« Dynamic testing of the elements of the main and front landing gear was carried out according to the Certification Testing Program in order to determine the actual values ​​of the damping characteristics of the supports and confirm their compliance with the calculated data at normal temperature 25±10 °C, high temperature +55 °C and low temperature -54 °C “, – said in SibNIA.

The researchers noted that the SJ-100 landing gear prototypes “ comply with all the requirements of the Certification Basis, and based on the test results, a Flight Safety Conclusion was prepared to start the flight test program .”

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