Leak: Apex Legends will have a Hero with the ability to summon a Titan from Titanfall


Leak: Apex Legends will have a Hero with the ability to summon a Titan from Titanfall

It looks like the online shooter Apex Legends will soon have a character that can summon a titan to the battlefield. Information about this was published by the Biast12 data miner, who demonstrated on Twitter the challenge of a giant robot.

apex legends
apex legends

Although Apex Legends is set in the Titanfall universe, there have been no titans in the battle royale. Speaking to VG247 last year, game director Chad Granier said the team tried to add giant robots early in development, but that it was balancing difficulties: “We actually had an early version of Apex with titans; the pilots were running up and down the walls and stuff, and we ran into the same problems we’ve been trying to solve in Titanfall for a long time

The leaked recording shows the summoned titan shooting in an arc in front of him. It is unknown if it will be possible to sit inside and control the robot, but it will probably give players too much advantage. Black is rumored to be the new heroin Apex Legends.

Back in 2019, data miner That1MiningGuy published an image of the document with a list of future characters. Among them were Krypto, Revenant, Lobo, and Rampart. There was no blink in it, but the hero appeared in both parts of Titanfall. He is a mercenary who fought during the Frontier War before creating the Apex Games tournament, which is depicted in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends is out on PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4.

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