Line Games unveils three PC games – The Vanshee, December and Quantum Knights


Line Games unveils three PC games – The Vanshee, December and Quantum Knights

Line Games has unveiled three new PC games at once during its Line Games Play Game 2021 event: The Banshee slasher, the isometric action RPG Undecember and the Quantum Knights shooter. They all got their debut trailers—two of them – with a demonstration of the gameplay.

The Vanshee
The Banshee

The Banshee is an online slasher game powered by Unreal Engine 4. The game promises photorealistic graphics that will immerse you in longline combat with a greater emphasis on combined attacks. There are no specific character classes in The Banshee, but users are free to create their own fighters, choose and improve weapons, and personalize their fighting style.

In December, the emphasis will be on character customization, complex item systems, and skills. Each battle will allow you to assess the hero’s effectiveness, and the player will be free to experiment with complex combinations of hundreds of abilities, weapons, and items.

Finally, Quantum Knights is an online third-person shooter. The game will offer an open world in a medieval fantasy setting, where magic and firearms coexist. In addition, the project promises stylish gameplay tied to dynamic battles and movement mechanics.

The Banshee is due to hit Steam Early Access in 2021. The December release is also scheduled for 2021. Finally, Quantum Knights are expected to be released in 2022.

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