Microsoft Defender corporate antivirus ATP identifies Chrome update as a backdoor


Microsoft Defender corporate antivirus ATP identifies Chrome update as a backdoor

According to online sources, the corporate version of Microsoft Defender ATP, for unknown reasons, identifies the latest update for the Google Chrome browser as a backdoor. We are talking about Chrome 88.0.4324.146, the latest version of the browser, which began distribution this week.


According to reports, the problem was discovered shortly after the next version of Chrome’s mass deployment began. During receiving updates, system administrators of various organizations noticed that Defender ATP identifies part of the Chrome service pack files as common components of the PHP / Funvalget.A backdoor.

The source notes that this antivirus behavior has caused quite a stir in the corporate environment, as many attacks on software have been identified recently, affecting companies around the world. System administrators are currently waiting for Microsoft to confirm that the antivirus response was false and the Chrome update is not a real threat.

Most likely, the activation of Defender ATP was indeed erroneous. Still, it is better to obtain official confirmation of this before the update is distributed to users’ devices in the case of corporate systems. Microsoft officials have so far refrained from commenting on this issue.

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