Microsoft will soon add mouse and trackpad support to Word and Excel for iPad


Microsoft will soon add mouse and trackpad support to Word and Excel for iPad

This week Microsoft began testing mouse and trackpad support in beta versions of the Word and Excel apps for iPad. New functionality was introduced in version 2.42 of each software product. They are already available through Apple’s TestFlight beta testing service.

Microsoft ipad
Microsoft iPad

Using a mouse or trackpad will dramatically improve the experience of using Microsoft office programs on Apple tablets, making it more like using desktop versions of these applications. However, there are also noticeable differences. When using a trackpad, the cursor appears on the screen as a circle that pops up only when the user touches the trackpad with a finger. When you hover over icons and other elements on the screen, the circle cursor transforms accordingly. Recall that mouse and trackpad support appeared on Apple tablets after updating to iPadOS 13.4. Also supported are keyboards combined with trackpads, which are manufactured by both Apple and third parties.

Microsoft previously announced that mouse and trackpad support will be available in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for iPad to a wide range of users this fall.

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