More than 10 million Xiaomi powerbanks sold in India alone


They were all made in India

Xiaomi portable batteries are very popular in many countries around the world. The company began manufacturing powerbanks in India in 2017. The first models were the Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2i versions with 10,000 mAh and 20,000 mAh batteries.

Xiaomi powerbanks

More than 10 million Xiaomi powerbanks sold in India alone

Since then, all portable batteries that are sold in the country are also manufactured in India. Now, three years later, the company says it has sold over 10 million portable batteries that bear the “Made in India” stamp.

Usually Xiaomi announces its achievements before the launch of the next new product. The company yesterday announced its first compact and ultra-fast portable battery. The announcement will take place on November 5.

Probably, we are talking about the local announcement of the Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 3 Pocket Edition , which has a compact size (90 x 63.9 x 24.4 mm) and weighs 200 g.