Mortal Kombat creator thinks Xbox Series S will sell well


Mortal Kombat creator thinks Xbox Series S will sell well

Microsoft recently unveiled its junior next-generation console, the Xbox Series S, to the public. It sparked a lot of discussion on the Web, to which game developers also joined. Among them was the creator of Mortal Kombat and the head of the NetherRealm studio Ed Boon (Ed Boon). In his opinion, Microsoft has made a very attractive offer, and the Xbox Series S has all the chances to sell well.


In his microblog, the executive wrote: “Just as the cheap iPhones (11 and SE) have become hits, the $ 299 Xbox Series S has the potential to become the most successful next-gen Xbox. Microsoft is back in the game with high quality, affordable offerings

Separately, it should be noted that not all developers were impressed by the announcement of Series S. The first to comment on this was the technical producer of Remedy Entertainment Sasan Sepehr. He fears that because of the younger Microsoft console, there will be problems with the optimization of games. And the creators of DOOM complained about the small amount of RAM (10 GB) in the console.

Xbox Series S and Series X will go on sale November 10 for $ 299 and $ 499, respectively. Here it is available with a comparison of the devices.

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