MTS is already looking for equipment suppliers


Applications will be accepted for another week.

According to Vedomosti, the MTS operator has begun searching for new suppliers of telecom equipment by publishing a request for information on the supply of 5G solutions. The operator is looking for suppliers of various models of small repeater base stations.

The request contains 37 items, including 2G, 3G and 4G controller and base station equipment, radio network management systems, PAC (software and hardware complex) for planning and optimizing the network, software and licenses, as well as related installation, repair, consulting and BSS (Business Support Systems – business support systems). Applications are accepted until April 14th.


MTS is already looking for equipment suppliers

MTS is interested in equipment that can work with New Radio (5G), as well as LTE / NR solutions. The bands indicate licensed frequencies n78 (3.5 GHz), n79 (4.7 GHz) in Standalone and Non-Standalone configurations and unlicensed 2.4, 5 and 6 GHz (Standalone), as well as equipment for working in the millimeter wave ( n258 – 26 GHz).

In the requirements, the operator says that the supplier must confirm “the availability of all necessary permits for the import of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation and use as part of public communication networks.” The supplier must also ensure that the product is certified as a “local base station”.

It is interesting that literally at the end of March, MTS President Vyacheslav Nikolaev announced that the operator had enough stocks of equipment for another two years. However, an MTS representative did not respond to a request for comment on the search for equipment suppliers.