NASA invites you to listen to the ringing silence of space on the way to Mars


NASA invites you to listen to the ringing silence of space on the way to Mars

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has released an audio recording that gives an idea of ​​the acoustic environment in which astronauts will find themselves flying to Mars.


The recording was transmitted to Earth from the Perseverance rover, which is currently flying to the Red Planet. This is the first NASA rover equipped with microphones for picking up sounds.

In particular, the equipment includes the EDL (Entry, Descent, and Landing) system, which will be used to record audio during the upcoming descent of the vehicle and landing on Mars. It was this that was used to obtain the published soundtrack during tests conducted in October.

As you can hear, the microphones recorded a monotonous hum. This “ringing silence” contains the sounds of mechanical vibrations from the payload.

We add that the Perseverance rover will arrive on Mars in February next year. The rover will have to solve a wide range of scientific tasks. In particular, the apparatus must collect soil samples in special tanks. It is planned that these samples will subsequently be delivered to Earth by specialized automatic robots, which will allow detailed analysis of rocks in laboratory conditions. 

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