One of the important parts of the promising Soyuz-5 rocket has been successfully tested


One of the important parts of the promising Soyuz-5 rocket has been successfully tested

At Samara University, vibration protection devices for the Soyuz-5 space rocket complex, which is currently under development, have been successfully tested. The production of this promising carrier will be carried out by the Progress RCC.


According to RIA Novosti, referring to the press service of Samara University, special vibration isolators are being created for the rocket, designed to reduce vibration and shock loads. Such elements will provide the necessary protection, including during the launch and launch of the carrier into orbit.

The construction of new vibration isolators uses a special material MR – a metal analogue of rubber. It was developed by specialists from the ONIL-1 laboratory of the Samara University. It is argued that MR-based dampers are significantly superior in reliability to analogues known in Russia and abroad.

“ Scientists of the Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev have successfully tested vibration isolators manufactured for the new promising launch vehicle Soyuz-5. The tested samples of vibration isolators have successfully confirmed the characteristics declared by the engineers, ”the message says.

Soyuz-5 is a two-stage medium-class launch vehicle. It is planned to use the RD171MV unit as the first stage engine, and the RD0124MS second stage engine. Flight tests of the rocket will be carried out in 2023–2025.