Only 64 cores, but low cost of ownership. AMD introduced Epyc 8004 Sienna processors


On Zen 4c cores

AMD has introduced its next line of Epyc server processors, based on the Zen 4 architecture. The new line is called Sienna, and it includes the Epyc 8004 CPU.


The new CPUs are designed to optimize the total cost of ownership with a focus on performance per watt per dollar. AMD positions them as ideal solutions for energy-efficient cloud services, intelligent edge computing, and telecommunications deployments.


Epyc 8004 is the most low-core among all current AMD server CPUs. The maximum for the line is 64 cores, while Genoa and Genoa-X offer up to 96 cores, and Bergamo offers up to 128 cores. What the latest new products have in common is that all the cores are relatively small Zen 4c cores.

Only 64 cores, but low cost of ownership. AMD introduced Epyc 8004 Sienna processors

As for the rest, it is worth noting a six-channel DDR5 controller, 96 PCIe 5.0 lanes, a new SP6 socket, and the absence of models for multi-socket systems.


Videocardz resource shared information about processors. As sometimes happens, there is not a word about new products on the AMD website yet, but Videocardz is usually an hour or two ahead of the publication of the press release.

For now, it can be noted that the line includes processors with a TDP of only 70 W, although these are only eight-core CPUs.